Welcome to The Booboo Files which is your newest and largest Booboo Stewart source for all the latest images, videos, news and other career related content. Booboo is most known for his roles as Seth Clearwater in The Twilight Saga, Nick in White Frog, and Jay in Descendants.
The Booboo Files
Your exclusive source for Booboo Stewart!

The Booboo Files has officially opened it’s doors. We already have a lot of information and an awesome feature that you don’t often see around on fansites as much, which is the ability to change themes so visitors can choose the one they like more.

Changing Themes

On WordPress, we have made a special section at the top of the sidebar labeled “Theme Selection” and to change between “Dream Green” and “Citrus”, you’ll just need to click on the perspective header image. Doing so will (or should) keep it your last selected theme unless you clear your cache.

On Coppermine, the theme selection icons are on each header, on Citrus; it’s above “The Booboo Files” and on Dream Green; it’s near the Booboo sitting down on the bottom left. You’ll just click each preview to change your theme to your favorite one.

Other Information

A lot of the pages are up and running, but there’s still a few more that are quite the piece of work and involve a lot of information which is why they’re not completely done yet. These are the Career, Tattoos, Press, Through The Years and Streaming Guide pages and they will be completed over time.

The gallery has over 9,400+ images already uploaded and growing daily as more and more gets added throughout his incredible career.

We also have some exclusives to be uploaded in the near future as well, so always be on the look out for all of our updates.

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