Welcome to The Booboo Files which is your newest and largest Booboo Stewart source for all the latest images, videos, news and other career related content. Booboo is most known for his roles as Seth Clearwater in The Twilight Saga, Nick in White Frog, and Jay in Descendants.
The Booboo Files
Your exclusive source for Booboo Stewart!

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Descendants (Original TV Movie Soundtrack)

Rotten to the CoreDescendants Cast
Set it OffDescendants Cast

Descendants 2 (Original TV Movie Soundtrack)

Ways to be WickedDescendants Cast
Chillin’ Like a VillainDescendants Cast
It’s Goin’ DownDescendants Cast
You and MeDescendants Cast
Kiss the GirlDescendants Cast

Descendants 3 (Original TV Movie Soundtrack)

Good to be BadDescendants Cast
Night FallsDescendants Cast
Break This DownDescendants Cast
Rotten to the Core (D3 Remix)Descendants Cast
VK MashupDescendants Cast

Other Songs

Jolly to the CoreDescendants Cast
Duck Tales Theme SongDisney Stars (feat. Descendants Cast)